District Choir Auditions

 Monday Nov 25, 2024
@ NA
Blackboard: The link for PMEA Audition Materials is posted on the Class Agenda in the "Header" section of the slide

Festival Schedule

District Choir Festival:

 Feb 6-7, 2025 @ Mt Lebanon HS


Region Choir Festival:

March 20-21, 2025 @ Waynesburg University  



All-State Festival:

 April 20-22, 2025





What is PMEA?
Pennsylvania Music Educators' Association hosts festivals for Choir, Band, Orchestra, and Jazz that provide an opportunity for students to go above and beyond their school district to make music with students from across the state and sing collegiate-level repertoire with professional conductors.  Students audition for the district level and, if selected, have the opportunity to audition for the Region, State, and All-East festivals.